Morning pages are a good look-back reminder that there are so many words inside us that, actually, we often won’t even remember when we re-read them!

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Great post. I experience the same while writing my newsletter as well. Just commented on Karen’s post who reports something similar. So lovely that all three of us are gaining similar, important insights while writing our respective newsletters. Very affirming.

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Mmmm, thank you for this, for remembering to just trust that the words will come. Every week I've been down to the wire, even though I thought at some point I would "get ahead".

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Oh my goodness, these are all SO true. I have so many drafts started in my "Drafts" folder and on my Google Drive because if I have an idea I write it down and then wait for further inspiration to finish it. Or I come up with ideas when I walking the dogs (and I really need to take voice notes more often as a result). Or when I made the goal to write one blog post a week, regardless of content, I had to accept that sometimes it was going to be crap. And deadlines are VERY motivating 😂

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My entire creative life relies on trusting emergence.

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