"You can only be yourself" - the best words ever in regard to writing - and - not comparing ourselves to others.

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I’m really learning that when I have a strong feeling, I need to spend a little time with it and learn what it’s really telling me. Questions like, “what am I missing right now in my life that makes me envious of that situation?”, and “is there something in my own path that I’d rather avoid by wishing I had a different life path?” Might be helpful. The envy really never seems to be about the obvious. I do like something our sangha leader said a couple weeks ago. she said “what practice is available to me right now.” That’s a good question for anything, including writing. It’s what you said above, turning the focus back to what practice is available to you right now. I always love reading what Karla McLaren has to say about emotions too. Here’s a link to her posts about envy.: https://karlamclaren.com/tag/envy/

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Rita Mae Brown's words to "Never dream more than you write" has served me in such moments!

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Thanks for this--very helpful!

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