This makes me remember the analogy of the hose pipe that hasn’t been used in awhile. When water flows though it afresh it’s all muddy and discoloured. But this must happen before the clean water starts making it to the place it needs to go.

I relate to what you’re going through and each time I’ve been through it I’ve come to the same conclusion - keep going!

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Cali, so sorry to hear about what you're going through with your husband. (I won't pretend to know what it's like, but I can send you as many caring, warm thoughts as I can muster!) I feel like the life of a writer involves having those "this is crap" moments --and you've articulated that struggle quite nicely. Hope things turn around for your novel soon, and as you say KEEP WRITING!

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Just the advice I needed to hear. So sorry though that life is so difficult for you and for your husband.

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"Or I can plod gently on. There will be gold again in the future......" .......BECAUSE you are keeping writing. Heck, there's gold now. You've got this, Cali.


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I can't imagine how hard it is to try and express that in words. I'd have to do it in scribbles I think. I remember thinking your last post was great - so you know, eyes of the beholder I guess? What I take so much inspiration from is that you keep writing. I'm also so glad you turned me on to Jerome Braggs. I'm practicing things like "I appreciate..." and "the universe loves me". It's amazing what a difference it makes. Love you Cali!

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Hi Cali, I think of you and your husband so often. I won't say that I know how you feel, but I do know how it was during our situation and I send you bushels of warm thoughts as you manage through this challenging time - it is, as you say absolutely heart-breaking - in every regard.

OAN: For what it's worth, I write the "crap " anyway to get it out of me. Sometimes it even opens the door to get me started or provides a nugget for a better idea.

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